Travis Scott performs at Art Basel in Miami

As Art Basel is being celebrated in Miami, hordes of celebrities and A-listers are partying and enjoying the scene, and the Travis Scott’s performance on Saturday was the show to watch.

Travis had his show at the E11EVEN nightclub in Miami, and celebs were out in numbers watching his show. The list is long, and everyone who is anyone was partying out there. Some of them were Larsa Pippen, who was spotted with Michael Jordan’s son Marcus hinting at their relationship. Leonardo DiCaprio was spotted partying on a superyacht with an entourage of beautiful women.

Travis Scott was spotted with another Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, and stunned the onlookers as they shared a romantic moment on Friday evening at an Art Basel party they attended in Miami Beach. The snaps of the moments show Kylie wrapping her arms around the rapper as his head nestled into her neck for an intimate hug. Kylie later joined Travis on stage to show him support during his performance. Travis performed many of his popular tracks, including ‘Goosebumps’, ‘Highest in the Room’ and ‘No Bystanders’. 50 Cent also rocked the party with an hour-long performance comprising his famous hits.

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