Travis Scott Makes it Rain During His Performance to Give Fan $5,000

Travis Scott put a recent concert on pause just to make it rain on a fan to the reported tune of $5,000.

On Saturday (May 6), Travis Scott hit the stage in Miami at one of his most frequently visited hot spots, the world-famous club E11EVEN. According to travel-focused TikTok page, City Ways, the Houston rapper, who's become known for his innate ability to engage fans during his shows, stopped the performance mid-concert to bless one member of his rabid fan base with five stacks as a birthday present.

In the video clip below, Travis Scott can be seen telling his DJ to stop the music before calling for someone off-camera to toss him a fat bundle of bills. With presumably $5,000 in his hand, Cactus Jack yelled out "Hey, hey, hey, kid." Once he gained the young man's attention, Travis Scott casually tossed the cash with an accurate and effective underhand throw to the eagerly awaiting fan.

With his newfound riches in hand, all for the fact that he happened to be born on the same day that he decided to see Travis Scott in concert, the fan hoisted a portion of the five racks over his head in a moment of pure triumph and gratitude for the "Sicko Mode" spitter.

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