The Most Expensive and Over-the-Top Cocktails in Miami

Looking to indulge in one of those only-in-Miami nights? The kind reserved for when a high-rolling client comes to town, or an ex shows up and you feel obliged to show them just how hard they missed out? Maybe you’re trying to spice up your TikTok content with scenes of sheer decadence.

For a night like that, you’re ordering extravagant cocktails and drinks that just might top three digits on the bar tab—each. Now’s not the time to hold back. From ultra-top-shelf tipples to 24-karat creations and tableside bar trolleys, these lavish Miami drinks send a clear message: Drink up, you high roller, you.

Giselle's Treasure at Giselle

Yes, there’s a very Instagrammable vodka-rosé drink here served in a communal glass shaped like a high heel shoe. But it’s a mere $54. The real baller game is to order the Giselle’s Treasure for $72. It’s a two-parter, a vanilla-flavored shot and a cocktail made of Grand Marnier, Don Julio 1942 and Codigo Mezcal. Both are brought tableside in a box that wafts with smoke, like a very South Beach themed Christmas present.

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