Step Up your Cocktail Game this National Martini Day

Get ready to channel your inner Bond girl (or Bond) because National Martini Day is almost here! Whether you prefer yours shaken, stirred, or dirty, there’s no denying the sophisticated allure of this classic cocktail. And this year, why not celebrate with some truly special cocktail recipes? These recipes will impress even the most discerning cocktail connoisseur, from a guava martini to a classy cognac one. So, dust off your martini shaker, grab your favorite garnishes and get ready for a night of elevated sipping that’ll have you feeling downright glamorous. Cheers

Love or Tryst - Giselle Miami

  • 2 oz Appleton Signature blend Rum
  • 1 oz Apple Thyme Syrup
  • 1 oz Lemon

Directions: Build all ingredients in a tin with ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a coupe glass, essentially serving the cocktail straight up. Garnish with a dehydrated lemon wheel and thyme sprig.

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