See rapper Doja Cat fall during a set at this Miami club. She slipped on dollar bills

They say cats have nine lives, so this singer may have eight left.

We’re talking about Doja Cat.

According to video widespread on social media, the “Streets” rapper was performing at E11EVEN Miami Saturday night when she took quite a tumble.

The entertainer born Amalaratna Zandile Dlamini was in town to promote the release of her album “Planet Her” and took to the small stage in the middle of the 24/7 superclub downtown.

Wearing a slinky top, mini skirt and stilettos, Cat is serenading the crowd with her chart topper “Tia Tamera” and dancing over dollars bills thrown on the floor.

Suddenly Cat’s legs go out from underneath her as the audience screams. But Doja sprang up, just like a cat and went back to being the fierce superstar she is.

According to Page Six, some people in the club thought the fall was fake to get attention, but a source tells the outlet, “She fully owned it.

Not only did she own the slip, but Cat reportedly extended her set list and kept the party going until the wee hours.

We reached out to the hitmaker’s camp to see how she was feeling in the cold light of day but did not immediately hear back.

Seems all is OK as she recently retweeted a fan’s humorous meme of her going down for the count, complete with a slipping sound effect.

“You could make a beat out of this,” said the snarky caption.

Ironically, before the show, Cat told that all she wanted from her Magic City gig was to have fun, and everyone else to as well.

“It’s been a crazy time,” she said. “Last year and 2021 have been insane, and, yeah, my plans are to un-insane it.”

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