Right By His Side: Cardi B Attends Offset’s First Performance Since Takeoff

Cardi B is one supportive wife. The chart-topping rapper made sure she was right by her husband Offset‘s side on Friday, December 2, for his first performance since the tragic death of his cousin Takeoff at Miami megaclub E11even’s Art Week party.

The musical power couple arrived at the venue around 4 a.m. before the “Open It Up” artist took the stage to honor the late Migos member, who was shot and killed in Houston on November 1.

“We’re doing this for my brother,” Offset told the crowd during his set, where he performed his hits “Clout” and “Bad and Boujie,” to honor his late family member. “For Takeoff, let’s do this s**t.”

According to an eyewitness source, the pair, who shares daughter Kulture Kiari Cephus, 4, and son Wave Set Cephus, 1, were seen “dancing and drinking and having a great time,” during the early morning party. Offset was also seen throwing dollar bills in the air and yelling, “We’re doing this for Takeoff.”

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