Performance: Travis Looked in his Element as he Performed at E11EVEN on Saturday in Miami

Travis Scott drew a big crowd while promoting his Cacti spiked seltzer in Miami on Friday.

The 30-year-old rapper was swarmed by supporters before his headlining set at the Rolling Loud festival.

The musician launched his alcoholic seltzer line earlier this year and has enjoyed widespread success following its initial debut in stores.

Prior to his appearance at the festival, Scott scared a trio of videos to his Instagram account to let his fans know that he wanted to interact with them during his time in Miami.

His first clip showed a large truck with the Cacti logo emblazoned across its side.

In another clip, Scott lounged in the backseat of a car while heading to an event for the alcoholic seltzer.

Travis sported a graphic-printed mask with several holes on the front, as well as an ornate necklace and a shirt bearing Cacti’s logo.

The Antidote songwriter was also seen trying to open a locked door in a video that was shared to a fan’s Twitter account on Friday afternoon.

The singer opted for a laid back look as he entertained the crowd. Money rained on the stage for the rapper’s headlining performance.

Scott has engaged in numerous partnerships with several companies over the past few years, many of which were notable successes

The performer previously locked in a deal with Nike that, according to Forbes, earned him over $10 million a year.

He previously collaborated with McDonald’s, where his self-named meal earned him $20 million at the end of his promotion.

The musician expressed that he was excited about his future ventures and remarked that he was ready to go further with his respective ventures.

‘Right now, we’re so locked in and we’re so ambitious on the next level—to just show people what we can do,’ Scott said.

On Saturday, Scott shared an image of himself shopping in a Publix to his Instagram account.

The rapper was seen wearing the same mask and shirt from his Instagram Story while carrying what appeared to be a water container over his right arm.

Prior to making the photo public, the musician also shared a short clip from what seemed to be an upcoming music video.

He also wrote a brief message in the post’s caption that read: ‘SOME ONE ASK ME HOW IM STARTING TONIGHT OFF. IMA MAKING A ESCAPE. WHOS READYYY. I WANT THE RAGE TONIGHT.

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