Offset Honors Takeoff in First Show: ‘Doing This for My Brother’

One month after the death of his cousin and late Migos bandmate, Takeoff, Offset made his return to the stage. On Thursday, the rapper performed at E11EVEN Miami as part of the club’s “The Art of Nightlife” lineup during Miami Art Week.

The 30-year-old rapper performed on top of the DJ booth early Friday morning, kicking off his performance with a tribute to his slain cousin. “We are going to go Takeoff crazy in here,” Offset reportedly told the crowd, which included his wife, Cardi B. “I’m doing this for my brother. This is for Takeoff.”

Offset performed several Migos hits, including “Fight Night,” “Ric Flair Drip” and “Bad and Boujee,” as well as playing Cardi’s song, “Tomorrow 2.”

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