Best of Miami 2023 Winner: Best Clubstaurant Giselle Miami

Miami is one of the nation's sexiest cities, and E11even is among Miami's sexiest club. So it makes sense that the venue would launch a rooftop restaurant that embodies that same sultry vibe. Giselle is more than a swanky rooftop restaurant and lounge. It's everything a clubstaurant should be: an extravagant space with high energy and a menu to match. Like any good supper club, Giselle has all the elements for a night out on the town, from a fully retractable roof and a 14-seat marble-adorned bar and curated lounge spaces to a lineup of top DJs and a menu of elevated food and drink. To remind you that this is a bona fide restaurant, the menu provides a number of seductively titled sections, from "First Glance" (appetizers) to "Finer Things" (e.g., steak, seafood, Champagne, tequila pairings) to "Seaduction, Indulgence, and Desire" (say, a flaming Australian Wagyu tomahawk that serves two to four). The signature cocktail, "Head Over Heels," combines sparkling rosé, raspberry, and lemongrass and is served in a stiletto-shaped glass for Insta-worthiness

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