John Geiger x E11even Miami "The Trilogy"

John Geiger x E11even Miami "The Trilogy" Releasing Online 12/11After a three-year hiatus, we are thrilled to announce our return to Miami Art Week, partnering once again with E11EVEN Miami for Round 3. This time, we are unveiling "The Trilogy," featuring three distinct versions of the GF-01. These three unique editions include the White Croc, Black Croc "Friends and Family" edition, and the exclusive Owners Club Silver Croc With Teal/Pink Branding. But why did we choose Croc? The answer is simple: the exotic texture of crocodile leather perfectly mirrors the essence of E11EVEN Miami. It not only adds a touch of luxury and innovation but also exudes a sexy and sophisticated vibe, creating a truly one-of-a-kind experience that we can't wait to share with you.

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