Here’s Your First Look Inside E11EVEN’s Ultra Swanky New Rooftop Restaurant

Everyone’sEveryone’s favorite 24-hour “ultraclub” E11EVEN, is now home to Giselle Miami, a new rooftop restaurant and lounge merging Asian, Mediterranean, and French cuisines.

The new restaurant is a venture is led by the Restaurant People — the team behind places like YOLO, S3, and Boatyard in Fort Lauderdale — who tapped chef Gustavo Zuluaga to lead the kitchen. Diners can expect dishes like truffle toast, pork ribs, Chilean sea bass, filet mignon, and a flaming lobster thermidor. A six-course tasting menu is also available for those who can't decide.

To enter the restaurant, guests take a private elevator up to the rooftop restaurant, where they will walk through the mosaic-lined tunnel to enter the space, which boasts a retractable roof that spans the entire indoor-outdoor restaurant.

Giselle’s 14-seat marble-adorned bar features digital art display cases that showcase the work of Miami-based filmmaker and producer Frank Kelly, who was tapped to produce a custom short film series for the space. The adjacent lounge and terrace area features black marble dining tables that overlook the Miami skyline while a neon sign reading “I’ll be here, if by chance, you’ll be here too,” presides over the space.

The main dining area, dubbed the “Dream Room” features an open kitchen and ornate details like oversized French lace and elaborate baroque detailing, whereas the walls and ceilings are ornamented in 3D wood-carved architectural detailings. A partially enclosed space, bordered by greenery and marble scaffolding, boasts three custom-built round tables meant for private groups and large parties.

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