Get Down in the 305 During Miami Music Week

Are you ready to rave, Miami? The annual electronic music event Miami Music Week is returning March 19–24. With six days of electronic shows and pool parties at independent venues, clubs, and hotels across the city—it's a dance music fan's paradise, whether you get down to house or hope the DJ is spinning breakbeat or techno. Now that Miami Music Week, which coincides with Ultra Music Festival, is in its 10th iteration, the locals and thousands of fans hailing from across the globe to attend can expect this year to be a good one.

While fans can buy all-access passes to some individualvenues or select groups of venues, there are events across the 305 at a variety of spaces worth knowing about. From late night sets hosted by international stars making their US debut to showcases hosted by tastemaker record labels to afternoon pool parties, here are the best shows at Miami Music Week 2024.

Miami pulls A-list DJs for events year-round, but music week is like their Mecca. A handful of EDM superstars will be performing throughout the week—with more than a few doing shows at renowned, downtown nightclub E11EVEN—but if you're looking to attend just one show at this over-the-top club, we'd recommend the DIM MAK event. DIM MAK is none other than Steve Aoki's independent record label, which has released projects from dozens of trendy artists across genres. While the lineup hasn't been released yet, a handful of "special guests" are promised, as this year marks their 15th annual MMW party—and Aoki seems like a surefire bet to come through.

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