Foundation Pour Completed For 65-Story E11EVEN Hotel & Residences

Vertical construction is now officially underway at E11EVEN Hotel & Residences after a foundation pour was completed over the weekend.

The massive pour began Friday, June 23 at 7 p.m. and lasted a total of 16 hours.

A total of 70 cement trucks were rotated in and out of the project site to pour a combined 6,700 cubic yards of concrete.

Contractor John Moriarty & Associates oversaw the pour.

In early May, a tower crane was installed at the site.

On June 1, the developers announced that ground had been broken on a second 65-story tower, called E11EVEN Residences Beyond.

E11EVEN Hotel & Residences will have 449 residences, 36,852 square feet of commercial space, 2,049 square feet of office space, and four floors of parking garage.

E11EVEN Residences Beyond will have over 550 residential units, along with office, commercial, retail and parking.

E11EVEN Hotel & Residences is scheduled for completion in 2025, with E11EVEN Residences Beyond following in 2026.

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