Drake Gave Tokischa A Co-Sign And Hung Out After She Wrapped Her US Tour In Miami

Last night (October 30), Tokischa wrapped her first US tour with a concert in Miami. After the show, the rising Dominican artist was surprised to be greeted by Canadian superstar Drake.

Following collaborations with J Balvin and Rosalía last year, Tokischa has kept the momentum in her career going strong. She teamed up with Rosalía once again for “La Combi Versace” on the Motomami album and then worked with Marshmello on their song “Estilazo.” The Dominican dembow genre that Tokischa is helping globalize later caught the attention of Madonna, who enlisted her for a remix of “Hung Up.”

In August, Tokischa kicked off her Popola Tour in the US. The title of the tour is Dominican slang for the word “p*ssy,” which reflects the sex positivity behind Tokischa’s bangers. She sold-out concerts in cities across the country like Las Vegas, LA, Boston, Houston, and Atlanta. Toksicha wrapped-up the tour last night at E11EVEN in Miami.

Now you can add Drake to the list of Tokischa’s famous admirers. After Tokischa finished the concert in Miami, she was approached by Drake. He congratulated her on her success and gave her a hug. The two artists then took a photo together. Drake also started following Tokischa on Instagram.

Drake dabbled Dominican bachata before alongside Romeo Santos. Maybe his next musical frontier will be in the dembow genre with Tokischa? Earlier this month, Bad Bunny flew Tokischa to the Dominican Republic so that she could be a surprise guest at his concert there.

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