Best New Restaurants in Miami

In Greater Miami & Miami Beach, wonderful new restaurants pop up every day. As more people move to Miami and vacationers with well-trained palates arrive for repeat stays, the culinary landscape is always changing with innovative culinary experiences and even top entertainment. If dining out is an important part of your vacation plans, save room for these new Miami restaurants.

With its sultry vibes and beautiful panoramic views, Giselle Miami is a new Downtown Miami restaurant that shouldn’t be missed. Soar in the private elevator to this rooftop stunner to savor Mediterranean, Asian and French-infused cuisine. The indoor-outdoor restaurant offers an elevated menu, including Champagne and caviar, prime cuts of steak and sushi and eye-popping dishes served tableside, such as a flaming lobster thermidor. Order one of their creative cocktails, including a few that are served in Instagrammable vessels (think glass shoe), and share the over-the-top dessert platter.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

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