Art Basel Miami Beach 2021: A Guide To The Top Events, Exhibitions And Pop-Ups


After a hiatus of large-format live celebrations, Art Basel Miami Beach is due to come back with a vengeance. And lots of champagne.

Organizers of the fair started their 2020 with hopes of celebrating Art Basel’s 50th birthday and suffice it to say, the year didn’t go as planned. Now, nearing the end of 2021, art aficionados, culture vultures, and party-goers will merrily flock to Miami for its usual format.

The official exhibition runs from December 2 through 4, and will host hundreds of artists and prominent international galleries to showcase some of the greatest new works the contemporary art scene has to offer. Outside the main show, of course, Miami will play host to a number of satellite exhibitions, celebrity performances, outdoor installations, hotel collaborations, experiential retail pop-ups, and more, that will usher in a triumphant return of the cultural affair.

E11EVEN Miami’s Line-up

On Wednesday, December 1, E11EVEN Miami is kicking off the week with hosts Heron Preston and Zack Bia, followed by DJ Marshmello on Thursday, December 2. The party will continue through the weekend with a performance by Migos, on Friday, December 3, and a special performer on Saturday night, to be announced. Concluding the long weekend with a bang, Carnage + Bia will take to the stage for a live performance on Sunday, December 5.

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