10/10 Recommend Partying With Your Besties in Miami for Your Birthday

After moving to New York and being away from my besties for six months, I suggested forced them to join me in Miami for a massive celebration of, well, me. I turned 26 and had to do it up, since I sat on my couch watching Real Housewives of Potomac and eating sushi the last two birthdays. So obviously, Miami—where it’s 80 degrees in December, the cocktails flow, and wearing a bikini to brunch is encouraged—was my #1 choice.

I grabbed my best girlfriends, planned my outfits, and headed to paradise for five days in downtown Miami and Miami Beach.

Dance it up at E11even Nightclub: Okay, E11EVEN is the nightclub of Miami. It's actually considered an "ultra-club," which I didn't understand until I was there. Because unlike every other giant room filled with sweaty people grinding on each other, E11EVEN features cool-as-hell performances from dancers that you just have to see to believe. Get there around midnight and stay until sunrise for the full effect (or if you're not a dedicated Miami-er just yet, it's totally acceptable to leave around 3 or 4 a.m.). Be on the lookout for celebs and check their website to see if they'll have any cool performers. Rae Sremmurd was a few feet from me the night I went, and I'll be talking about that fact until the end of time.

Not to be bougie, but the best way to do E11EVEN is reserving a table with E11EVEN vodka. I don't make the rules.

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