Sip And Savor These Happy Hour Spots Around Miami

With the spring season officially here, Miami’s vibrant cocktail scene calls visitors and locals to the best happy hours around the city. Indulge in Miami’s nightlife scene at these destinations while unwinding and dining on deals, drinks and bites.


The downtown rooftop dining destination, Giselle Miami, is hosting ‘Twighlight Desires.’ Guests can enjoy a special-price menu with culinary delights, cocktails and wine by the glass. Happy hour enthusiasts can sip on libations and menu items inspired by indulgent midnight treats. With drinks such as the Close to Midnight made with Casa Noble Reposado, Thai chili, cilantro, fever-tree grapefruit soda and tajin rim, and the 11:11 Wish with E11EVEN Vodka, prosecco, strawberry, citrus and cotton candy, guests can sit back and enjoy a relaxing evening. 15 NE 11 St., Miami, Wednesday through Sunday; 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. @gisellemiami

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